Rhode Island International Film Festival - Detected


Cancer survivor Melanie Griffith tells the story of a device intended to save the lives of millions of women: a bra that detects breast cancer. 

Interview with Director/Producer Seth Kramer

Watch Detected on Prime Video


Congratulations! Why did you make your film?

A few years ago a friend of mine told me about a guy who was trying to invent the world’s first Internet connected bra. I almost fell off my chair laughing. It was the dumbest thing I’d ever heard. I thought, what's it gonna do, take selfies? “No,” he replied, “it’s going to detect breast cancer.” I stopped laughing. Then I tracked down the inventor – a guy named Rob Royea – and told him I wanted to document his creation. He called his idea, the ItBra. 

Imagine I’m a member of the audience. Why should I watch this film?

Breast cancer is one of the leading killers of women worldwide. Technology used to detect the disease often finds it too late. Our documentary short offers an inside look at one man’s quest to create the world’s first cancer detecting bra, using Internet technology to spot the disease earlier, cheaper, and more accurately. It takes viewers inside the highly secretive world of IT development, which is largely hidden from public view. It’s a must watch if you want to understand where new technology is leading us. 

How do personal and universal themes work in your film?

While we were making the film, my co-director lost his mother to breast cancer. 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop the disease in their lifetime. The themes in this film are relevant to almost everyone. 

How have the script and film evolved over the course of their development?

When you’re documenting someone trying to invent something in real time, there’s no way to know if they’re going to be successful. We made our movie hoping things would turn out well, but planned for the possibility they wouldn't. I won’t spoil the ending. 

What type of feedback have you received so far?

The response has been overwhelming. People find the idea of using the Internet to detect breast cancer fascinating and inspiring. 


Has the feedback surprised or challenged your point of view?

I was not quite prepared for how emotional people would become watching a film about the development of an Internet connected medical device. Turns out the story plays like a modern day fairy tale.  

What are you looking to achieve by having your film more visible on www.wearemovingstories.com?

I haven’t given much thought to what DETECTED can gain from being on wearemovingstories.com. I’m just excited to be part of such an awesome web site in the company of other really incredible films.

Who do you need to come on board (producers, sales agents, buyers, distributors, film festival directors, journalists) to amplify this film’s message?

I feel like we’re in a pretty good place right now. That said, I’m always happy to talk to distributors about my work. And of course, I love chatting with journalists. It’s a heck of a story.

What type of impact and/or reception would you like this film to have?

The goal here is to expand peoples’ understanding of the world we live in - about a terrible disease - but also about the role Internet technology can play in fighting it. So far so good. 

What’s a key question that will help spark a debate or begin a conversation about this film?

If the Internet can help us detect breast cancer, what else can it do?

Would you like to add anything else?

Thanks for taking an interest in DETECTED!

What other projects are the key creatives developing or working on now?

Our next documentary is a feature called HEADING HOME, about the Israeli national baseball team! Think, Jewish Bad News Bears. It’s a hilarious, moving, edge-of-your-seat sports doc.


Interview: August 2017


We Are Moving Stories embraces new voices in drama, documentary, animation, TV, web series and music video. If you have just made a film - we'd love to hear from you. Or if you know a filmmaker - can you recommend us?  More info: Carmela


Cancer survivor Melanie Griffith tells the story of a device intended to save the lives of millions of women: a bra that detects breast cancer. 

Length: 15 minutes.

Director: Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller, Jeremy Newberger

Producer: Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller, Jeremy Newberger

Writer: Daniel A. Miller

About the writer, director and producer: Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller, and Jeremy Newberger are Ironbound Films. Headquartered in an old inn on the Hudson River opposite West Point, Ironbound creates documentaries for theaters, television, and the web. We produced and directed the documentary short Detected. In addition, Daniel wrote, Seth edited, and Jeremy did art direction for the film. 

Key cast: Melanie Griffith, Rob Royea

Looking for (producers, sales agents, buyers, distributors, film festival directors, journalists): 

Social media handles:

Facebook: detectedmovie

Twitter: detectedmovie

Other: ironboundfilms.com

Where can I see it in the next month?

Detected will be available for digital release in early 2018.